Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hey there! Welcome!!!

Home is where the heart is. Home is a fortress from the worlds trials. But sometimes it becomes a war zone. Sometimes there are those who intrude on your peaceful existence.

The Neighbor From Hell.

How about Too Friendly Neighbor: They introduce themselves, and then suddenly see themselves as an extended member of your family, with permission to enter your life and home at will? They have far more information on you and loved ones than you've ever given, and sometimes you check for hidden cameras just to be sure...

Mr. By The Book: everything you do is monitored and checked against city ordinances, from the color of your siding to the distance of your garbage cans from the sidewalk. It doesn't matter if his home isn't measuring up...it's your grass that's looking a little overgrown.

Ms. "Just a Suggestion": She's so helpful. Whatever you do, she has a better way. She knows how you should be tending your garden, training your dog, feeding your children, and cutting your lawn. She gives and endless stream of "helpful hints". And she can't understand why you don't answer the phone anymore.

I know you've got stories, so send them to me at TheNeighborFromHell@gmail.com. Let me know if you'd like to be named, or if you'd like to be anonymous.

Sometimes, home is where the Hate is.

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